
We are created for relationship with the triune God and with each other. 

Mosaic gathers in unique, vibrant communities throughout the Portland Metro area to share life, connect in relationship, serve others, and grow as Jesus-followers.

For fall 2024 (September – November), all Mosaic Communities are journeying together through a continued study of Daniel, based on the teaching series “Flourishing in the Shadow of the Empire.” 

Mount Tabor

Hosted by: Denise Palke
Tuesdays, 6:30 pm


Hosted by: Andrea & Chris Beltzner, Courtney & Jeff Coleman
Wednesdays, 7:00 pm

Outer Northeast

Hosted by: Chris & Libby Salter, Punky & Binny Nguyen
Sundays, 6:30 pm

Grant Park

Hosted by: Joanne & Jeff Lyford
Thursdays, 7:00 pm


Hosted by: Mia & Nik Miner
Sundays, 5:00 pm


Hosted by: Paul Coleman
Thursdays, 7:00 pm

Oregon City

Hosted by: Bree & Justin Roberts
Sundays, 5:00 pm


Hosted by: Paul Coppock
Mondays, 7:30 pm

Alameda Women

Hosted by: Carol Cowan
Every other Monday, 6:30 pm