Cheerful and sacrificial financial giving is a way we respond to God in worship as King with every area of our lives. Through giving to our local church family God shapes us to be more like him: Generous and invested in the redemption of our city and world. God uses our gifts to help people follow Jesus and to meet real needs. Every gift is an act of worship and is stewarded as such.



Sign-up for online giving (one-time or recurring), manage your account, track online giving, and edit recurring giving:
Visit Online Giving


Text “MosaicPortland” to 77977
Follow the prompts to give through your smart phone.

Visit the online giving page to edit recurring giving and track online giving history.

Mail / Bill Pay

Through your personal bank

Send a check or have your bank mail checks to:
PO Box 13128
Portland, OR 97213-0128

Planned Giving:

Planned Giving, facilitated through our partner, Orchard Alliance, can help you accomplish your giving goals, increase the impact of your gift, and may reduce taxes. Wise counsel can help you determine the best giving option for today and the future. Planned giving can help answer questions like:

  • How do I create a last will and testament from a biblical perspective?
  • What assets am I able to give outside of writing a check?
  • What charitable tools are available to me in different situations?

Questions about Giving?

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