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Incarnational Living
Unexpected Christmas
Flourishing in the Shadow of the Empire
Koinonia: Love Lived in Community
Celebrating Tim Osborn
Listening to the Spirit
Lent: Reflect, Repent, Prepare
We are a people who ________
Slow Christmas
God Saves
Dwell: God With Us
Deep & Simple
Luke Acts
Gardens, Houses, Families
Prayers of Renewal
Resurrection People: A Church Like Jesus
Words Fall Short
Simple: basic habits for following Jesus in a complex world
A Jesus Story for 2021
Grief & Gratitude: Reflecting on 2020
Advent 2020: Light Shines In The Darkness
Anchored: With Jesus in the Wind and Waves
Everything in Common
The Heart: Where Jesus begins His Revolution
Jesus Prays for the Church
The Story: Advent 2019
Mosaic Church Meetings
The Story: A Year of (Re) Discovering Jesus
Advent 2018
The Book of Better Things
How Jesus Lived
Worship & Vision Sunday 2018
Where Jesus Goes: Questions, Doubts and Uncertainties
Feast: Experiencing the Surprising Abundance of Prayer and Fasting
Hope: Trusting Jesus in a Chaotic World
The Few & The Future
Word of Life - Meeting Jesus in Scripture
Being Healed: A Study of Matthew's Gospel
Being Human: A Study of Matthew's Gospel
Advent 2016: Becoming Human
Seeing and Believing
All Things New
Fruit of the Spirit
1 Corinthians: The Cross, The Crown, and The Call to Love
Aliens & Strangers
Lessons Learned
Advent 2015
God Speaks
In All These Things
Death is Not the End
Holy Spirit: God's Empowering Presence
The Desires of a Disciple
Me After Jesus
Baptism Sunday
Misfits: Stories of God's Goodness and Grace
The Constant Warrior
Holy Week
Lessons Learned 2013
Thanksgiving Celebration
5 Solas
Mosaic on Mission
Blood Sweat and Tears
Body and Soul
Mosaic Talk Archives 2007
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Tim Osborn, Kim Harris Adam Harvey
Tim Osborn, Kim Harris Adam Harvey
Phillip Emery, Adam Harvey
Ruben Alvarado
Tim Osborn, Becky Josberger, Avery Stafford
Jason Tarka, Bill Berry
Scotty Burns
John Chang
Tim Coburn
Courtney Coleman
Kim Harris Connor Durr
Kim Harris Connor Durr
Tim Osborn Adam Harvey Connor Durr
Tim Osborn Connor Durr
Paul Coppock
Morris Dirks
Tim Osborn Dominic Kan Avery Stafford
Renee Duffy
Connor Durr
Steve Fowler
Mosaic Gathering
Matt Gibson
Yaohan Guillen
Kim Harris
Adam Harvey
Kacy Dudrey, Jason Tarka
Leslee Forrester, Jason Tarka
Becky Josberger
Becky Josberger
Paul Rhoads Kacy Dudrey
Tim Osborn Kim Harris
Kris Kingsbury
Drew Klinsing
Karl Kutz
Connor Durr, Patrick Lakeman, Christine Keith
Marc Le Roux
Paul Rhodes Leslee Forrester
CJ Martin
Paul Metzger
Paul Metzger
Nik Miner
Tim Osborn Morris Dirks
Tim Osborn
Tim Osborn
Tim Osborn
Kim Harris, Paul Rhodes
Paul Rhoads
Paul Rhoads
Morris Dirks Ruth Dirks
Randy Shaw
Charlie Shaw
Jason Simmonds
Guest Speaker
Avery Stafford
Jason Tarka
Tim Osborn Terry Walling
Phil Emery Tim Osborn
Travis Vice
Dave Young
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5 solas, solas, who am I, authority, truth, jesus,
Advent 2007
Advent, Given
Advent, Home, Jason Simmonds, Christmas, Jesus, Mo
Advent, Jesus. Home, Searching, Morris Dirks, Chri
Advent, New Life, Strength
Alien, Stranger
All These Things, Money
Baptism, Giving Thanks, Thanksgiving, Receiving Mo
Beauty, City, Jesus, Life
belt of truth, trust, truth, rest, liar, father of
Body And Soul
Conformed, Holiness
Easter, He is Risen, Jesus, Risen King, Mosaic, Fa
Faith, Fear, & Healing
Family, commandments, Jesus, Jesus Centered, Jason
Fatih Alone
Following Jesus, Authentic Community, For the Worl
Good news, Great Joy, All People
Grace, Grace Alone
Healing, Demons
Healing, Freedom, Lepers
healing, paralytic, forgiveness
Holy Spirit, Presence, God, Jesus, Another Advocat
Idols, Jason Simmonds, Mosaic, Hosea, God's Love
Jesus, Becoming, Being, Identity
Jesus, Discipleship
Jesus, evaluation, ministry
Jesus, Five Solas, Morris Dirks, Mosaic
Jesus, Mosaic, 5 Solas, Mosaic, Jason
Jesus, Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Morris Dirks
Jesus, Reconciling, Family, Together
Jesus, Reconciling, Work
Jesus, Time, Reconciling, All Things
Justice, Hope, Peace, Listening
Justice, Mercy, Hope, God Speaks
Kindness, Atributes of God
Lent, Resurrection, Easter
lessons learned
Lessons Learned, God's teaching, leadership
Miracles, walking on water, calling
misfits, adopted, faith, surrender, dependence
Obedience, trust, 1 Peter
Philippians, Family, Tim, Tim Osborn, Jesus
Philippians, Morris Dirks, Legalism, Grace, Family
Philippians, Mosaic, Mosaic Portland, Jesus, Paul,
Reconciliation, All these Things, Good Coffee
Reconciliation, Speech, Heart
Reconciliation, Suffering, Vision
Solas, 5, 5 Solas, Tim, Tim Osborn, Mosaic, Mosaic
Thoughts, Minds, Reconciliation
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More Messages from Ruben Alvarado | Download Audio
From Series: "We are a people who ________ " We are constantly filling in this blank. Consciously or not, we are always asking the questions: Who am I? How do my people act? Jesus answers these questions and goes a step further, modeling a particular kind of life and character in the context of his community.
As we seek to become more like Jesus today, we will explore several ways Jesus demonstrated a distinctly different life and the vital role that authentic relationships play in forming that life together.
More From "We are a people who ________ "