December 16, 2020

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

1 John 1:7


We were seven grown men in an old Winnebego and less than a mile short of our coastal forest men’s retreat destination.  Overhanging boughs obscured the night sky as we exceeded a sensible speed along the bumpy gravel road. Riding shotgun, I couldn’t help thinking that my Subaru would be better suited to the narrow steep switchbacking hillside than this bread truck/cabin on wheels. It was close to midnight and the laughter accompanying our trip reached a crescendo. It was just then that he did it.  Gavin, our RV owner and driver, cut the headlights! It was suddenly pitch black. To the rear, five guys continued to laugh obliviously. In the drivers seat, Gavin may have had the situation under control. But along side him, I pretended to laugh, while in fact I was nervously drawing breath and wondering how to exit a rolling RV that was not equipped with a passenger side front door. What was probably just a few seconds felt like the beginning of eternity. Was I ever relieved when Gavin regained his senses and switched the brights back on! In the light, together, we safely reached our hilltop camp.

The total absence of light is a desperate thing. Just a pinpoint of light can be enough to orient us when a space is dark. Jesus’s birth in Bethlehem introduced light into our desperate world. “The light shone in the darkness and the darkness could not overcome it.” Our compassionate Father gave this world the very best of gifts. No need now for shadowy sin and ignorance. 1 John 1:7 prompts us to walk in the light as He is in the light, so we may be shaped into the image of Christ. Why ever attempt to progress without light? Too often, my stubborn nature wants to try. In the light, God shows me myself, good, bad, and ugly. He lovingly encourages me to confess the sin that His light has exposed. He graciously forgives and cleanses.

Lord, each day may I intentionally walk in the light. Purify me and make me more like Jesus. I want to be more like Him.


— Chris Salter