Celebrate Christmas Eve
Thursday, December 24 | Mosaic Online
10:00 am, 3:00 pm, 7:00 pm*
Mosaic Kids Christmas Eve Special starts 15 minutes before each gathering time
On Christmas Eve, we’ll gather online to sing Christmas songs and hear the story of Jesus’s birth through a creative storytelling experience. We celebrate Jesus as the light and that “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5)
Pick a time to watch, invite a friend, co-worker, or neighbor, and participate in the wonder and awe of Immanuel — God with us!
*The 7:00 pm Christmas Eve Gathering will be shown in-person with the women and children at Shepherd’s Door. All are invited!
Find out more or RSVP:
Email Kelly
Advent House Gatherings
Be a part of a special four-week House Gathering experience for Advent!
These virtual communities meet on Sundays after watching worship & teaching online to connect, pray together, light each week’s Advent candle, and take communion together. House Gatherings are also finding creative opportunities to be ‘light in the darkness’ in their neighborhoods and communities through the season. Experience Advent in community!
Advent Calendar Devotionals
Click today’s date to read a community reflection on the Advent scripture reading.
Advent Partnerships
Through Advent, we are partnering with four different organizations in our city to bring the light of Jesus in tangible ways.Through collecting and giving gifts through these partners, we can bless our neighbors, offer kindness, and follow God’s example of generosity to our city.
Explore the four partnerships, collect gift items, and pick a time to drop them off at the Mosaic building.

Portland Rescue Mission
Collecting new socks and jeans for men and women experiencing homelessness.
Portland Rescue Mission provides food, shelter, recovery and other vital services to men, women and children affected by homelessness, addiction and abuse.

Every Child
Mosaic Kids is leading the charge to build “Flash Boxes” for new foster families to support care givers and children in the foster care system.
Every Child mobilizes community to uplift children & families impacted by foster care in Oregon.
Questions about getting involved as a family? Email Marc.

Northwest Children's Outreach
Collecting baby wipes and diapers for families in need. All sizes needed!
Northwest Children’s Outreach is an all-volunteer organization that serves children and families in need by providing clothing, hygiene products, school supplies, and more through family support agencies in the Portland Metro area.

Shepherd's Door
Shopping for Christmas gifts for program residents and children.
To donate a gift on the list, email Adam.
Shepherd’s Door is a community of single women and women with children (ages 10 and under) who participate in New Life Ministries at Portland Rescue Mission. Participants learn basic life skills and develop an understanding of how to restore relationships and live in freedom.
Mosaic hosts an in-person House Gathering at Shepherd’s Door on Sundays. Learn more about being a part of the gathering on Sundays: Email Kim.
Drop-off Information
Drop-off all partner gifts on Wednesdays through December 23.
The Mosaic building will be open 10:00 am – 11:00 am & 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm.
Volunteer on Drop-off Wednesdays
Help receive and organize gifts at the Mosaic building on Wednesdays in December!
Get a Yard Sign!
The building is closed on Sundays, but church is not!
Pick up a “light shines in the darkness” yard sign to show a message of hope and an invitation to Advent to our neighbors.
Available for pick-up at the Mosaic Office. Email Connor to reserve one for pick-up or ask about delivery.